Tuesday, 8 March 2011

BUPA Predicts Care Shortfall

Private health and social care organisation BUPA forecasts that 100,000 old people may not be able to have access to care home places over the next ten years.

The BUPA report "Who Cares" claims that Local Authority cutbacks in this period will lead to a shortage of 81,000 care home beds, leading to largescale bed blocking in the NHS because of the resulting increase in elderly hospital admissions.

The report also makes a plea for the ringfencing of £2 billion allocated to Local Authority provision for adult social care by 2014-15, before going on to provide a full review of the funding of adult care provision.

The fact that a private organisation is showing concern about public sector cutbacks they might be expected to benefit from becomes more comprehensible when you realise that 70% of BUPA care home residents are in receipt of state funding. Presumably many receive Local Authority funding as well.

It can however only be bad news for graduates and others who are looking to make their career in the care sector over the next few years.

Read the full report at

Note: I first found it through a tweet @social_care which looks a good source for those interested in developments in Social Care provision.

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