Monday, 6 June 2011

Making The Most of Your Time in Higher Education

This report from the CBI/NUS is available at and contains lots of wise words on how to improve your value in the employment market after you get your degree.

It covers areas like:
  • thinking about what you want from your time at University
  • the value of early careers advice and career decision making
  • the key skills employers say they want and how satisfied they actually are with the skills of new recruits
  • how to use your course to improve your workplace skills
  • the value of work placements and voluntary work
  • getting the most from life at University
  • the importance of reflecting on and recording your progress... lots of more detailed advice on what to do to maximise your potential in all of the above areas. Overall a good, common sense read for everyone who wants a successful career after University and a bit of an antidote to the more cynical view of employability I posted on a couple of months ago.

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