Friday, 7 September 2012

Forthcoming Shortage of Primary Teachers?

Student Teachers at University of Cumbria
Last Friday's 'Independent' reported research by Pearson Education which indicated that, while applications for primary teacher training places have dropped by 17%, primary school and nursery roles are set to rise by 8% over the next three years, leading to speculation of future shortages of qualified teachers.

Researchers also found that 55% of Primary Headteachers reported a decline in staff morale and had found it more difficult to recruit teachers than last year. Suggestions of a recruitment crisis have however been stringently denied by the Department of Education.

Comment: Some of our recent Primary graduates may be surprised to learn that it is becoming easier to find teaching jobs.  Any easing of the currently highly competitive recruitment situation at Primary level will of course be good news - but one wonders whether any benefits will be equally spread across the country.  What happens in Stratford may not come about so readily in Cumbria.

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