Friday, 6 July 2012

Health Job Shortages

Although entry to many health sector jobs has become more difficult over the past few years, there are still areas where there are some shortages.  A listing produced recently suggested the following:

       Hospital Consultants in: neurophysiology; emergency medicine; genito-urinary medicine; haematology; neurology; occupational medicine; forensic psychiatry; general psychiatry; learning disabilities psychiatry; old age psychiatry.
       Hospital Doctors specialising in: anaesthetics; paediatrics; intensive care medicine; general internal medicine (acute); emergency medicine; general surgery; obstetrics and gynaecology; trauma and orthopaedic surgery.
       Nurses specialising in: operating theatres; neonatal intensive care.
       Nuclear medicine technologist; radiotherapy technologist.
       Cardiac physiologist; clinical neurophysiologist; clinical vascular scientist; respiratory physiologist; sleep physiologist.

Meanwhile a drive to recruit 2,400 more health visitors by 2015 is also underway.

Of course, this does not mean that your local NHS Trust will automatically have vacancies for all these positions!

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