Friday, 27 July 2012

Changes to School Direct from 2013

Those interested in a career in primary or secondary teaching may be interested to know that the School Direct programme has been expanded for the academic year 2013/14 and will then offer two types of training places:

1) The School Direct Training Programme, which is open to all graduates and funded by tuition fees
paid by the trainee, who may receive a bursary from the Teaching Agency (TA).

2) The School Direct Training Programme (salaried), which is an employment-based route into
teaching for high quality graduates with three or more years’ career experience. The trainee is
employed as an unqualified teacher by a school and will replace the Graduate Teacher Programme (GTP) which will close.

All School Direct places will lead to qualified teacher status (QTS). Schools will decide whether they wish the provider to award a postgraduate certificate in education (PGCE)from a higher education institution or School Centred Initial Teacher Training Institution (SCITT).

For recruitment to the academic year 2013/14 the TA will manage a central application system, providing a single point of application for all candidates and on which all School Direct places will be listed. Further details will be made available in due course.

Please note however that places for the 2012-13 School Direct programme will be made direct to schools.  For more details see the Teaching Agency website.

Source: Teaching Agency announcement via AGCAS

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