Thursday, 2 August 2012

FAQ - How Can I Get Information on Working and Studying Abroad?

As with many careers faqs, a really good starting point on information about careers and courses in the rest of the world is the Graduate Prospects website, where you can find a dedicated section on the subject.  Here you can find plenty of help to think through your decision, profiles on working and studying in over fifty different countries, plus information on gap years and Teaching English as a Foreign Language plus a search facility to find international job opportunities.

Working abroad is one of the subjects on which books are still being published, so a visit to the main University library or public lending library may be worthwhile.  Titles covered include everything from finding holiday jobs and backpackers' guides to information for people who are considering long-term relocation to develop their career.

Some key tips from our own Careers Advisers on the subject of working and studying abroad are:
  • If you're considering a gap year, how will it fit in with your future career plans?  Not all employers will be impressed by your improved surfing skills gained on Bondai Beach.
  • There is a current vogue for 'overseas internships' but check these out carefully as many require you to pay large sums of money to participate.  Ask about the career destinations of past participants and check that there are no similar paid or cost-free opportunities.
  • As with many things, planning is the key to success.  Start thinking about your plans well in advance.  Next year may be better than right now.
For some extra links on opportunities try or  

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